In 1998, Agroindustrial Services was created as a subsidiary of La Cabaña Sugar Mill, with the objective of leasing, managing, and acquiring properties for the cultivation of sugarcane and thus guaranteeing a stable supply of raw material to the sugar mill during strategic moments of the harvest.
In the beginning, the company leased properties close to the sugar mill, planting the most suitable varieties of sugarcane for the area, considering variables such as climate, soil type, nutrient absorption, etc., looking for the highest productivity, with production models based on the best agricultural, environmental, and social practices, generating progress and welfare for the neighboring communities.
In later years, the area of influence of the subsidiary was extended from northern zone to the southern zone of the country, incorporating property management schemes that offer such services as control and monitoring of crops, agricultural advising, and programming for fieldwork, cane maintenance, and irrigation.
Timely support in providing solutions for our sugarcane farmers, contributing to the strengthening of the national sugar agroindustry, through better agricultural practices, process certifications and a continuous improvement approach, these are the raison d'être of Agroindustrial Services.
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